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If you have not yet a MySQL database on your remote server please consult the section MySQL.

If you have your own MySql database on your remote server, you can quickly connect to it in 3 simple steps:

• Create a new document.

• Define the 5 connection parameters and choose a table.

• Save the document.

SQLTouch will automatically configure the List, Form and Search layouts (that you can customize later) for you to browse your database. You will reopen this document at any time you need to reconnect to your database. Also you can share this document so other people can access your database.

Quick Start

• Create a new document

On the tab Open (see picture here aside) click on the top-right button Edit then create a new connection-document clicking on the button New Database Connection.

• Define the 5 connection parameters

In the panel here aside, define the 5 parameters to connect to your database: host, port, username, password and database name.

Depending on the user's permissions, you could be able to read-only the records, or modify, add and delete records. The 5 parameters must concern existing objects: the host must exist, the port (usually the 3306) must be available, the user must exist and the remote MySQL database must exists too and contain at least one table.

Please consult the section MySQL to check whether your database fits the SQLTouch requirements.

• Choose a Table

Once defined the 5 parameters above, click on the white button Table then choose the table from the list of the available tables and press the button Save.

• Save your document

Now save your document tapping on the blue button Save on the top-right corner of the screen.

You can create several documents like that, each one related to a different MySQL database, or to the same database but with different user and permissions, or with different table and layouts.

You can quickly re-open this document by tapping on its name in the list. Furthermore, at launch, SQLTouch can automatically re-open the last used document, if you specify so on the Settings tab. Any time you open this document, SQLTouch will reconnect you to your database and show you the layouts as well as you have customized.

SQLTouch will ask you for the document name. Write the document name (we chose "Demo Restaurants") and press Save. Now your document is ready and it's listed in the My Database section.

Click on the button Done to complete the task. The list will turn this way.

• First Search

Now you can already browse your database. Go the tab Search then press the button Find All.

SQLTouch | Quick Start | MySQL | Documents | Layouts

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